Section Three: Incubus - A Certain Shade of Green

Incubus - Certain Shade Of Green

Araja | MySpace Video

Aspects of Performance/mode of address
This video is mainly performance based with minor elements of narrative. This video also has a direct mode of address for the most part.

Even though there is very little narrative based parts to this video, these parts are non-linear as there is no clear timeline set in the shots set in the tunnel. The parts that focus more on the performance of the band are linear as the video shows them playing the music.

How does the video create and image for the star/band?
This video shows that ‘Incubus’ are very different from other rock bands and even from other alternative rock bands. This is done though the slightly trippy visuals and the numerous links to space travel.

How do the visual elements relate to the song – illustration/amplification/disjuncture?
The visuals in the video amplify the lyrics through the use of the space man standing out from the naked people in the tunnel, this goes with the constant theme of narrow views and society ‘waiting’ for something and in turn not making the progress it should.

The costumes worn by the members of the band are regular, every day clothes and don’t make them stand out from one another. The space suit stands out from everyone in the video, highlighting that he/she is more advanced than everyone in the video since he/she is prepared for space travel. The lighting in this video is very dim with few green lights in the background, this gives more of a science fiction or outer space feel to the video. There are also shots of the band playing the song at a live show.

Use of Camera
The full shot of a mixing desk shows that the band may feel that the way their songs are produced are key to their music. There are numerous full shots of the band playing on stage to a crowd which promotes their lives shows as well as their music as this would appeal to people who enjoy going to gigs. There are close ups of the lead singer singing the lyrics of the song, this promotes the band further as he is the front man and therefore gets more coverage than the rest of the band.

The editing in this video is very fast paced, this is to go along with the fast pace of the music as well as to possibly represent the theme of technological advancement.

This video represents rate technological advancement for the human race or society through both the lyrics and contents of the video. This is done through the spaceman being stuck in a tunnel with a group of naked people. The space man represents where we should be and the human people, along with the tunnel represent where we currently are in relation to technology. The tunnel may also represent narrow views or a ‘tunnel vision’ approach to change in which society as a whole doesn’t like change and therefore cannot see outside of the box so to speak.

Special Effects
There are many special effects in this video, one in particular is the speeding up of footage, this fits in with the fast pace of the music and also the recurring message of technological advancement. There are also shots that are in a negative colour to give more of a sci-fi feel. Blurring is also used in this video to give a sci-fi feel to the song/video.

The genre of this song is alternative rock.

The audience for this song is most likely to be 14 – mid/late 20’s as these people are more likely to go to live shows/ music festivals.