Section One: Initial notes on music video

Music videos are a marketing device used by record companies so the aim is to create record sales through making the song popular. Music videos have only been main stream since the 1980's. It could be argued that 'The Beatles' contributed to the music video. As in 1964, the film 'A hard days night' contains songs with 'The Beatles' and some narrative was attempted. Therefore, it was a musical sequence rather than a video. In 1965 'The Beatles' began to produce film inserts as a promotional tool. Other bands began to follow suit 'The Beatles' lead the way with 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane' both of which being produced by Peter Goldman and were considered avant-garde, slow motion and unusual camera work. Through experimentation they were more sophisticated than previous musical sequences. In the 1980's, music videos became mainstream with the launch of MTV in 1981, with the first song being aired 'Video Killed the Radio Star'. Music videos became standard for bands and artists as they could be cheaply produced with hi-tech equipment and effects such as the chroma key.


Products need to be censored. Music videos are moderated by the BBFC. Music Videos are mini films which is why the BBFC regulate them. Censorship much be considered when making a music video. In 1991, Michael Jackson's 'Black or White' video was censored as Michael Jackson was said to have inappropriately touch himself. Other videos have also been censored such as The Prodigy's 'Smack My Bitch Up' video and also Robbie Williams' 'Rock DJ' video.

Prodigy-Smack My Bitch Up | MySpace Video

Music Video Theory

Some would argue that music videos have made pop superficially based on image. Are pop songs enough on their own to make meaning and pleasure for the audience.

"A good music video is a clip that responds
to the pleasure of music, and in which that
the music is made visual, either in new ways
or in a way that accentuates existing
visual associations." - Andrew Goodwin (1992)

1) Music Videos demonstrates genre characteristics such as dance routines shown in girl/boy band music videos.
2) the relationship between lyrics and visuals either contradicts or illustrates the lyrics.
3) The relationships between the music and visuals will either illustrate, amplify or contradicts whats happening on screen.
4) The demands of the record label will include lots of close ups of the artist(s) may develop motifs which reoccur across the style and video.
5) Frequent reference to the notion of looking voyeurism of the female body.


1. What is the basic function or purpose of a music video?
The basic function or purpose of a music video is to advertise the music of a band/artist as a way to attempt to boost record sales.

2. When were the first music videos produced?
The first music videos were produced in 1975 with the first music video being Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

3. How are music videos commissioned?
Music videos have to go through a long list of things before they get commissioned, firstly a single has to be chosen. From here, the person in charge of getting the video commissioned has to find a director for the video. After the director has been chosen, the person in charge of the commission and the production company to agree on a budget for the video. This is finalised by the signing of a contract which has been checked by the lawyers and agreed upon by both parties.

4. How much time does a music video usually take to produce?
A music video takes around 2 weeks to make from start to finish (including editing).

5. According to Andrews Goodwin, what are the 3 different ways in which the visuals in a video can relate to the lyrics of a song?
The 3 different ways that the visuals in a music video can relate to the lyrics are by amplifying the lyrics, illustrate the lyrics or contradict the lyrics of the song.

6. What is a music video treatment or pitch?
A music video treatment is a document that is no more than a page and a half long, that describes what is going to be included in the video.

7. What are some of the things to avoid in making a student video?
Things to avoid whilst making a student video are using well known songs, using effects to disguise poor footage, aimless footage, scenes involving alcohol, cigarettes or drugs (simulated or otherwise), people just walking around, speeding up/slowing down of footage to make up for lack there of, too many zooms, footage that isn't your own, stage footage that has little to no atmosphere and stories that are way over the top.
Codes & Conventions
  • Linear Narrative/maybe non-linear
  • Amplification of lyrics
  • Use of star
  • Some performance used
  • Close up of star
  • Main characters
  • Story lines
  • Simple special effects
  • Editing that matches beat
  • Set in realistic places
  • Elliptical editing
  • Lip sync
  • Image of star is used to portray/ suit genre
  • Mise en scene used to create character types
  • Range of camera angles
  • Use of crane (jib)
  • Tracking shots
  • Not much interaction between characters
  • Simple narratives
  • No dialogue at beginning
  • Mostly closed narrative